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Cross-base fuel line diversion at RAF Lakenheath

Published: 27 August 2020

The project

As part of the F35 enablement works at RAF Lakenheath, Adler and Allan were engaged to design and divert RAF Lakenheath’s cross base fuel line to enable new facilities to be constructed as part of the KVF-35 Project.

The solution

The cross base pipeline ran from Facility 1910 (base intake) to storage facility 1912 and under an area of proposed new buildings being constructed to facilitate the arrival of new F35 fighters at RAF Lakenheath.

Adler and Allan's design for the new pipeline route was accepted and works to remove the existing pipeline started in May 2019. The removal of the pipeline was completed on time, enabling the main works of KVF-35 to proceed.

Adler and Allan then started construction of the 500 meters of new pipeline routed around the KVF-35 project perimeter. Adler and Allan overcame challenges which included trench depth and cutting across the base golf course to achieve installation of diversion on time and with minimum disruption to access and golf course members.

The outcome

The completion of the pipeline diversion allowed works on the main project to proceed and brought pipeline installation up to modern standards.

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