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What information will be made publicly available from the ESOS phase 3 notification document?

Published: 4 March 2024

The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) requires large undertakings to conduct comprehensive energy audits of their buildings, transport and processes to identify opportunities for improving energy performance.

As part of this process, ESOS requires businesses to submit a notification to the administering body to demonstrate compliance. Some of this data remains confidential, however, following the changes to the ESOS regulations, more commercial information than ever will be made publicly available.

ESOS is now expanding beyond corporate information into actual performance metrics. The key additions are related to actual energy reduction data such as estimated savings achieved since ESOS phase 2 (December 2019 until present), and disclosure of the potential energy savings identified as part of ESOS phase 3 audits.

The aim is by increasing disclosure and transparency, internal and external stakeholders will be able to scrutinise how a business is performing in terms of energy efficiency, and therefore encourage greater action.

What information from the ESOS notification document will be made available to the public?

Participating businesses should be aware that the following items included within the ESOS notification document will be made available to the public from June 2024 onwards.

Do you have questions about the latest ESOS phase 3 deadline or would like to book an ESOS audit?

Speak to one of our ESOS lead assessors today

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